Are you struggling to balance all the different aspects of running your small business? As an entrepreneur, your to-do list can feel never-ending, I totally get it. However, you don’t have to do it all alone. Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) can be a game changer for your business and I’m going to tell you why.

How a VA Can Help You Manage Your Time

If you’re not familiar, a Virtual Assistant is a remote subcontractor who can take on tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing emails, social media management, data entry, and other administrative duties. By delegating these tasks to a VA, you free up your time to focus on actually growing your business.

A common misconception about hiring a Virtual Assistant is that it’s expensive. However, there are many affordable options available, including part-time and project-based hires. In addition, the time and energy you save by delegating tasks can result in more revenue for your business in the long run. WIN, WIN!

How Hiring a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Stay Organized

Another benefit of hiring a Virtual Assistant is that they can help you stay organized in ways that you didn’t even know existed. Most VAs Specialize in organization and creating workflows. As a small business owner, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to keep track of. A VA can assist you with tasks such as managing your calendar, setting reminders, creating to-do lists and can help you keep your business processes streamlined and efficient. They can assist with record-keeping, tracking expenses, and creating reports. By staying on top of these tasks, you can make better-informed business decisions.

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Business

If you’re ready to hire a Virtual Assistant, the first step is to determine what tasks you need assistance with. Make a list of your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, and prioritize which ones are taking up the most time or which ones you simply don’t like doing. Then, look for a Virtual Assistant who specializes in those areas.

There are many ways to find a Virtual Assistant. Places like job boards, social media groups, and even referrals from other small business owners could be helpful. One of my all time favorite places to look for support is inside Jenna Kutcher’s Facebook Group: Goal Digger Podcast Insiders. Once you’ve found a potential VA, it’s important to interview them and ask for references. You want to confidently know that they have the necessary skills and experience to help your business thrive.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant can be a smart investment for your small business. Not only can it help you manage your time and stay organized, but it can also free up your energy to focus on growing your business. If you’re ready to take the leap and add a VA to your team…. Helllllooo I know a few pretty great people who could be the right fit for your business. Let’s chat and talk about what your business could like with support from one of the talented VAs on the Well Balanced Business™ 

If you’ve already found the perfect fit for your business, GREAT! I’m so happy for you! The next step is onboarding your new VA into your business. I’m a huge believer in starting off on the right foot and giving your VA all the tools they need to succeed from day one. That’s why I created a FREE downloadable guide to onboarding your new VA. You can grab it below. 

Cheering for you friend! Deciding to Hire a VA can be scary, but just know you are making an amazing decision for your business! 


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