SOP.  A fun buzz word in the small biz world. I get asked all the time- what is an SOP or how the heck is it going to help me streamline and scale? Creating an SOP for your small biz is the foundation for delegating tasks to a VA, OBM or any other member of your team. That’s it, that’s the good stuff. But making sure you set your SOP up for success can be the hard part, let me break it down for you. 

What is an SOP?

First things first. SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure. Simple right? Well, not always. As a business owner it is your job to create Standard Operating Procedures for your team or hire someone to do it for you. An SOP outlines the step-by-step instructions and guidelines for completing a specific task or process within an organization. SOPs are used to ensure consistency, efficiency, and quality in the organization’s operations.

SOPs typically include detailed instructions, checklists, and any necessary forms or templates. They may also outline the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in the process.

Define the purpose

Define the purpose and scope of the SOP. This should clearly state what the SOP is for and who it applies to. Having clear SOPs for each department within your business will reduce confusion among team members. For example the purpose of your SOP could be to onboard a new client- this SOP would be best for your OBM to have access to. Your VA won’t need to know how to onboard a new client, as that’s not in their zone of genius. An SOP on daily client management might be more beneficial for them.

Create the process

Identify the process that the SOP will cover. Start by mapping out the steps involved in the process, and identifying any key inputs or outputs. This also involves identifying the individuals or team members involved in the process and their respective roles and responsibilities. Break down the process into individual steps, and write out each step in a clear and concise manner. It is important to include any critical details, such as specific tools or equipment required.

Include any relevant forms or templates: If the process involves the use of forms or templates, include these in the SOP, along with clear instructions on how to complete the or where to find the templates.


Once you have finalized the SOP, distribute it to all members of your team that it applies to. It is important to ensure that everyone involved in the process is aware of the SOP and understands how to follow it. Afterall the main purpose of an SOP is to ensure consistency, efficiency, and quality in the organization’s operations.

Hope this helps you get a start on creating an SOP for your small biz. If you need more tips for running your small Biz check out my Blog tittled: Become A Strong Leader Of Your Virtual Team.


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