When it comes to marketing, a small biz can honestly only benefit from using social media as a marketing platform. Not only is it a free app and easy to use (for the most part), but it can also be such an understated tool for connecting with potential customers and increasing your brands reputation. There are so many benefits, but let’s just chat about a few of the big benefits of  Social Media Marketing.

You Can Reach More Potential Clients

One of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy is being able to reach as many potential clients as possible. With social media, the number of eyes that could be on your content is truly unlimited. Which is just one of the most amazing things about social media marketing. By utilizing platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you can easily target users with ads based on their location, age, interests, and other topics that might pull your ideal clients out of a crowded room for you.

Engage With Your Audience

Social media isn’t just about advertising. It’s also about engaging with your audience in meaningful ways to create powerful connections with people that will hopefully later turn them into paying clients. Responding to comments on posts or DMs, hosting Q&A sessions on Instagram Live, and consistently interacting directly with customers shows them that you are a *real* person behind your business and it helps build trust between you and your audience.

Grow Brand Recognition

As a small biz we are immersed in all things social media marketing and always looking for ways to save time and be as organized as humanly possible. Here are some of our favorite social media tools: 

Social media is one of the most powerful tools available for any small biz looking to increase visibility and engagement with their customers- especially for freeeee. Feels like a no brainer- but I know how difficult it can be to continuously show up for your audience. So many business owners have turned to hiring a VA or a social media manager to handle their content and some engagement. If you’re so over the constant pull of showing up on social media and you’re looking for a little  help marketing your biz with Social Media-

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, hello. We can help you, let’s chat!

If you’ve already hired someone but just aren’t sure how to get them fully integrated into your business. No worries, we can help with that too. One of the (many) reasons our clients love working with us is because of how easy our onboarding process is. It’s well planned out, quick, to the point and organized for all. I’d love to share my onboarding guide with you, as I’ve mentioned in other posts its not my style to keep all of my tips and tricks to myself. Being a business owner is tough for a million reasons, but outsourcing shouldn’t be one of them.

Grab the guide, and let me know if it was helpful for you! Best of luck on your Social Media Marketing journey, I’m cheering for you, friend!  


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