Let’s face it, running a small biz of any kind is no small task. It takes blood sweat and tears to run a successful biz in the online space. More times than not, the success of your business can hang on having the right resources in place. If you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and overworked as a business owner, the resource you’re probably missing is an online business manager (OBM). Whether you are starting a new business or looking to expand your existing one, here are 4 reasons why you need to add an OBM to your team.


An OBM Can Help You Streamline Your Processes. Most OBM’s specialize in streamlining processes for businesses of all sizes and niches. They understand which processes need to be improved. They are creative geniuses when it comes to setting up efficient systems that save time and money. AND They live for automating processes. What’s better than a daily task that you don’t even have to do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Streamlining processes can help free up your time so that you can focus on GROWTH within your business.

Scalable Solutions

An OBM Can Help You Develop Scalable Solutions. As your business grows, so does your business’s needs. Having an OBM who can help you develop solutions will allow your business to scale quickly and easily without sacrificing quality or service. OBMs who specialize in scaling businesses can provide valuable insight into which solutions will work best for your business or niche.

Opps Manager

An OBM Can Help You Manage Operations. Taking care of day-to-day operations is critical for any business owner. However, the less fulfilling tasks behind the scenes that need to be done in order for a business to stay running efficiently, often get put on the back burner day after day. That’s where an OBM comes in. They can manage the operational tasks associated with running a successful small business so that you can focus on the parts of your business that bring you the most joy and fulfillment.

Strategic Decision making

An OBM Can Help You Make Strategic Decisions. When it comes to making decisions about where your Business should go next, it’s important that those decisions be made strategically and thoughtfully. OBMs are experienced in helping businesses make these important decisions and can guide you through the process so that it goes as smoothly as possible.

Having an online business manager is essential if you want your small business to succeed long-term. Not only do they bring valuable skill sets such as streamlining processes, developing scalable solutions, managing operations, and making strategic decisions—but their presence also allows you more time freedom to enjoy the best parts of your business.

If you’re looking for someone who can help make sure your business runs smoothly while also focusing on scalable growth- you’re probably in need of an Online Business Manager! If you’ve already found an online business manager but really don’t know how introduce them into your business, you’re not alone. I promise. I hear the same thing from so many other business owners. That’s why I created the Free Guide below to help you successfully onboard an OBM or VA to your team. Being a a small Biz owner is hard. I hope this free guide makes onboarding an OBM into your business just a little bit easier.


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