So that’s it. You’ve decided it’s finally time to launch your product, course or new business you’ve been dreaming up. First, CONGRATULATIONS! But now what. Where do you start? There are so many moving parts it feels impossible to know where to start. I’ve been there & I get it. And after the first few times that I launched with no plan, I finally decided to create a launch plan template to wash and repeat with each new launch. I’ll share that with you, I promise. But first I wanted to share 3 big pain points you need to work through before you can setup your next launch using ClickUp.

Pick a launch date

Even if hard deadlines aren’t your thing. Set a launch date anyways. Setting a launch date is imperative for staying on track with launch deliverables, social content and most importantly helping you stay sane. You’ll see why, later on when I get to the Click up Launch template I’ve put together. Point here is, picking a launch date gives you a starting point and a goal.

Write out your plan

Writing out your plan will force you to outline each phase of the process and be confident you haven’t missed anything that will improve customer experience. Having a kick butt customer experience will keep your clients coming back for more and referring you to their friends.

Delegate where possible

Obvi I’m a firm believer in delegating tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius. Hint hint, that’s what we do here at Well Balanced Business. If you’re looking for a rockstar VA to help you with launch tasks behind the scenes, let’s chat. I have someone perfect for you! All that being said– delegating to those on your team will free up your time to focus on the important parts of your launch like the course that only you have the knowledge to create or the video modules that YOU can record. 

Okay, now for that ClickUp Launch Template I promised. After a few launches left me with a literal launch hangover, I decided to create a ClickUp Launch Template to use for each launch. Its a rinse and repeat method that will allow you to seamlessly flow into your next launch with updated deadlines. Within this template there are specific timelines for each phase of your launch, including post launch wrap up. Grab my signature ClickUp launch plan template & mini training in the Well Balanced Business Shop and never have a launch hangover again. 

Okay, for real. What are you waiting for? Grab my ClickUp Launch Template and mini training to setup your next launch using ClickUp.


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