Chances are you’ve stumbled on someone’s Blog after clicking on a Pinterest pin or something the trusty ‘ol google machine turned up. Truth here is, a lot of business owners forget about using a blog as a way to connect with their audience, boost SEO and drive traffic to their website. It might be 2023. But blogging is very much a top way to connect with potential clients and turn them into paying clients. Here are a few of the many ways blogging can help business growth.

Boost Your SEO

If you have been brainstorming how to boost your SEO, blogging could be the answer for your business. Consistently publishing high-quality blog content can increase your website’s visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential clients to find you online.

Connect with your Audience

Most bloggers include personal stories, feelings and outcomes. Giving their readers a peak into their life & business. This opens the door for true connection and relatability. For example, check out my recent Blog on Human Design. I get real and raw about how I felt out of alignment until I started to incorporate my Human Design into my life and business. 

Have you ever heard the term–  people want to buy from real people? Well, it’s true. Potential clients are more likely to turn into actual paying clients if they feel like they know you or feel more connected to you by the stories you share on your blog.

Drives Traffic and Engagement

Consistently sharing blogs can help you attract new visitors to your website, keep existing ones coming back, and encourage them to engage with your brand by leaving comments, sharing your content, or subscribing to your newsletter. Because, well your blog content is so irresistible and they don’t want to miss a thing. 

Don’t believe me? I encourage you to post 1 blog a week for 6-8 weeks and track your social and website insights. I promise you’ll be thoroughly surprised to see how blogging can help business growth. Once your blog takes off like wildfire, and you need someone to help manage and write content- we’ve got you covered. If you’re already consistently posting blogs, but are thinking- okay Abby, I know consistent blog posts are good for my business…but. I. JUST. DONT. LIKE. DOING. IT. We’ve got you covered there too- let’s chat!


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